Anti-Doping Information
Please note the following information in relation to Anti-Doping. It is important that you circulate this information to all clubs and in particular that it is brought to the attention of all those involved with your county panels (i.e. team managements and players).
- Applicability of Anti-Doping Rules
In light of the recent decision of the GAA Anti-Doping Hearing Committee all counties are reminded that all GAA players are subject to the Irish Anti-Doping Rules as adopted by the Irish Sports Council.
Link to Irish Anti-Doping Rules:
GAA Anti-Doping Awareness E-Learning Course:
Further Information:
- Selection of Players for Tests
Please note the following change to the procedure for the selection of players for testing - the selection of players, either in or out of competition, may now be randomly completed on the day or pre-selected by the Anti-Doping Unit in advance. Therefore if the Doping Control Officer has already received pre-selections in advance ( i.e. instructions to test a specific player) there may be no pre-match or pre-training random draw.
- Reporting Doping
Please be advised there is now a “Report Doping” form that has been launched recently by the Irish Sports Council to help fight against doping in sport. Anyone reporting via this encrypted form can do so anonymously if they wish.
The form can be found at:
- Whereabouts Information
All counties are reminded to ensure their Whereabouts’ information (time and venue for each Senior Inter-County training session in both codes) is accurate and updated to the Irish Sports Council regularly.
If the information provided is not up-to-date and a team cannot be located based on the information provided, the cost of the missed test will be incurred by the relevant County. The cost generally ranges between €400-800. In addition, if a team misses two tests in a 12 month period, the County will incur a fine of €1,000 from Central Council.
In the past month a number of counties have failed to supply correct information on the whereabouts of their training sessions which resulted in the Irish Sports Council making unsuccessful attempts to locate teams. Many of these occurred when a team changed from it's regular routine in the week leading up to a championship game so all counties are reminded to inform the Irish Sports Council of these changes.
If you have any queries in relation to any of the above information please do not hesitate to contact Gearóid Devitt in Croke Park.